Kayaking & Physical Fitness
My Quest
Firstly, I’m not going to preach or suggest to anyone about staying fit for your love of kayaking. Nor will I suggest any diet or anything like that. That is a personal decision you make.
In this article I will explain what happened to me and how I addressed my problem. As most of my viewers know I run a site called Paddling Places Florida where I go find and review places to kayak that are safe, family friendly and also some that are not safe, in my option, and require higher experience levels or are just plain dangerous to go to here in the state of Florida. Now many places I review are safe but require me to place an experience level on them or I deem them not an ideal place to enjoy your sport of kayaking. These are my opinions solely.
During the past 4 seasons I have reviewed many places. Some great, some not so great. But, towards the end of Season 4 I felt myself not having the drive, enthusiasm, or the will to do the longer distance paddles. I felt lethargic, no energy and just struggled to get out there. This concerned me greatly. Now, at the ripe old age of 71 I thought my kayaking days may becoming to and end. My love for kayaking was not going to let that happen. I had to figure out what happened.
Then Covid hit, we were all grounded, waterways shut down and my Season 4 had to be shut down early. This was bitter sweet as now I could assess what was going on. Was I loosing the love for my kayaking sport? We all sat on our butts for three months. Couldn’t go anywhere, do anything. It was horrible! Then Advanced Elements (AE) contacted me and asked if I would do a preproduction review of a new revolutionary new kayak they were producing called the Airvolution. Shrouded in secrecy I agreed. My excitement level shot through the roof. I was asked to do a “Sneak Peek” video before the announcement to the world and then a full review video after they announced the new kayak.
So the day came and this new revolutionary kayak arrived and I was so excited. I couldn’t wait to open this box. AE had supplied me with a lot of information on this new yak. I could not wait to get this on the water. I had planned to first paddle it on a lake then a creek.

The day I finished the creek paddle I saw my problem while reviewing the footage taken. What I saw was a old man, fat and way out of shape. Totally overweight. With my 5’5” frame I was tipping the scales at around 200 lbs. I had a “a-ha” moment. Now, I understood why I was struggling on the water. Feeling lethargic and lacked energy. I was totally out of shape. During season 4 I found myself puffing and panting out there and I just could not figure it out. I had a friend visit in January where we went everywhere and I struggled to keep up with him. I didn’t loose my love for kayaking. Now I knew why!
I then realized I had to fix this and right now! I established a new set of priorities and was determined now to not let anything sway me. Nothing was going to get in my way to ensure my love for kayaking could continue. I realized then kayaking is a strenuous sport for the serious minded kayaker. Now, for the weekend, once, twice a year kayaker that just kayaks a couple of miles, no big deal right? But for me, who kayaks four times a week during season (I don’t kayak during the summer months in Florida) I realized I had to be in top physical shape and maintain a good healthy lifestyle. How do I do this? I asked my sister, who is always dieting, her recommendations.
I had already joined a gym but lacked focus. I thought going to the gym would do it and I could eat all that pizza and fast foods I loved. Also, I got caught in the subway trap. Watching that commercial about that dude lost all that weight just eating Subway sandwiches. But I soon realized, I failed to accept I was overweight and out of shape. I had to see it myself. That was my biggest problem.
I had to make some life changing decisions. My sister recommended that I try the “Keto diet” and we could do it together. I had no idea what I was getting into. No or very little carbs. No potatoes, my loved hash browns, bread, pizza, Wendy’s, in fast no fast foods at all. No Sweets, no candy and most fruits are loaded with sugar. OMG!!! She told me the first 4 days were going to be tough. Boy, was she right!
My first week I lost 9 lbs. But it was not easy I struggled with logging in everything I eat. My water intake before was maybe 16 oz of water a day. I drank a half a case of Diet Coke a week. Going to Waffle House for my bacon, eggs, hash browns and toast had to come to a halt. My water intake now averages 72oz. Even figured a way to continue my Waffle House visits by working with them to make me Keto friendly breakfasts.
Now the gym. I had to become more dedicated to my workout routines. I set a every other day regimen which I don’t break. First, it was totally cardio. Now mixed cardio and resistance weight training. I had to realize I wasn’t 25 years old anymore and set my workout schedule to be the most beneficial for a person of my years.

Well, has all this payed off? Yes!!! I have met two of my weight goals and creeping up on my third. Now at 168 lbs I have way more energy. A lot more active on the water and don’t tire out there anymore.
Have been kayaking recently and the love for my sport has returned. I’m no longer tired or cut my kayaking distances short. I understand it was my fault all this happened. I just let myself go. Trust me it won’t happen again.