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Why Advanced Elements Kayaks

Advanced Elements Premier Inflatable Manufacturer

Many manufactures not just in kayaks have a tendency to rest on their successes and become complacent. They soon die out or get so far behind in technology they can’t keep up with their market. Some reverse engineer others successes and rebrand and try their hand at that. Those also don’t last and close their doors or end up in court. They lack that drive and ingenuity and love to better their product. Manufacturer products that revolutionize their particular market. Now this is true in all kinds of businesses. Look at China. They have absconded with intellectual properties from the United States for decades. Reversed engineered them and sold their product back in the US market at way lower prices and quality. We all know this.

Now with all that, how I purchase products today vs twenty years ago has changed drastically. When I first started kayaking I wanted to find out if it was something I really wanted to do, so I did the rental route as many do. I found I really enjoyed the sport. Not the white water or ocean stuff, just recreational like lakes, rivers, creeks and costal inlets. So, I was all in and decided I wanted to own my own Yak (slang for kayak).

First I had to look at my environment which is Florida waters. Definitely not the safest waterways to paddle. So before I purchase anything I need to understand how safe Florida waters are. That was step one of my research. At the time I owned a Mercedes and there was no way I was going to put kayak racks or a tow hitch on that car. Yes, I could continue to rent but again finding good rentals was a challenge and many times I either had to travel many miles or repeat the same place. Now for causal paddlers that might be fine but was finding myself wanting to paddle more often and in many places throughout Florida. Many don't offer rentals. So, what to do?

I decided that I wanted to investigate the inflatable market. Not knowing anything about the kayak market my research was in full swing. I knew I needed something portable and pretty much bulletproof. I was finding that to be very difficult. There were many manufacturers out there but they did not really meet my specific requirements. I looked at Intex, SeaEagle, Innova, Aquaglide, Sevylor and even Hobie. Many of them, I deduced, had a low cost focus, well except for Hobie. A lot of the box store inflatables did not give me much confidence. Many, in my mind, were and are glorified pool floaties and would not hold up in Florida waters.

Then I discovered Advanced Elements inflatable kayaks. Advanced Elements is the premier inflatable kayak manufacturer based out of Northern California. Beginning over 15 years ago, Advanced Elements was started by two inventors with the desire to bring to market a new type of Inflatable Kayak. During this time the have developed over 100 products distributed world wide. First thing I noticed was their manufacturing materials used. Their design and attention to detail far exceeded anything on the market currently. Also, their versatile line offered is for many levels of kayaking such as white water, anglers, day touring and recreational. Each level offered contains a nice line of inflatables. I could easily see that their design team really love what they do. They were not in any way complacent as they are always thinking outside the box.

But the best manufacturers of any product are not worth their salt without service after the sale. Customer Support is paramount to the success of any business. Many just basically discard you after the sale. I have experienced that on many occasions with different manufactures. But not with Advanced Elements (AE). Before I made my first purchase I called AE as I had many questions. To be honest I wasn’t expecting much. You know the normal automated impersonal audio menu stuff. I was amazed, I human answered the phone! I was talking to one of their designers! Wow, was I surprised. I introduced myself and advised him of my pending purchase of my first inflatable kayak. I explained the waters I would be paddling, my height, weight and experience level. Which was very little. I also told him that the stability of the craft was paramount as I did not want to be lunch for a gator. My main question was the hull material? It needed to be almost bulletproof. He took the time to explain the hull materials, their designs and overall makeup of their products. I was totally impressed by his willingness to take the time and answer the questions I had. Not only did he answer my questions, he asked me some. They understand Customer Service. They not only take care of you, they build a relationship with their customer base. That is something you don’t see very often in todays market. So I was sold, Advanced Elements was it.

My first AE was the Straitedge inflatable. It was their sit-on-top design. I figured that model would support my on water wildlife photography. I bought two, one for me and one for my sister. I was paddling everywhere inside Florida. Their was a learning curve on my part with regard to inflation, deflation and storage but soon got the hang of that. Then I started planning different adventures with overnight stays and multiple day trips. One of my favorites still today, now 4 years later, was the Blue Cypress Lake trip.

Now fast forward some four years later my opinion and loyalty is still with Advanced Elements. Yes, I do have a hard kayak. I own a Hobie Compass Pedal drive. Yes, the trailer and all that other stuff. No more Mercedes, now a truck. But I must admit, the Hobie goes out only a couple of times a year and I’m thinking of selling it, as I still prefer my inflatables. Yes, I said inflatables in the plural sense. I now have several AE kayaks. Yes, I kinda go nuts with things I love to do. Now I have the Straitedge, Sport, AE1044DSXL, Expedition Elite w/rudder, Convertible tandem, Lagoon 1 and now the new Airvolution.

Many say I’m bias. No, I have experience now and know what works and what will get me back safely. Yes, I have tried another brands. I was doing a review on a box store inflatable, with every kayak I review I determine if a pool test is required. If I’m not sure of its safety I will put it in my pool first as there are no gators I’m my pool. I followed the directions exactly and just did not like the hull design. I decided a pool test was required and it pitched me in my pool not once but three times. I cancelled my review boxed it back up and returned it. The craft was not safe in any way. I found out later from a user of that inflatable, you have to under inflate the craft to attain stability. Now that was just stupid in my mind. I will not trust my life in Florida water in a glorified pool floatie. I see many people flip their yaks all the time. Many from inexperience. I have flipped a kayak once in a cheep hard rental kayak. I have never flipped an Advanced Elements kayak. Many people each year are killed kayaking for many reasons and I don’t want to push my luck. So, if you want to call me bias go ahead it’s okay. I trust the AE kayak line. I know it will not fail and it will get me home safe and sound.



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